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Proficient City Won Zheng He Prize
Release time: 2015-08-13

Back in July of 2015, the Zhenghe Prize ceremony was held in China. This prize represents the expansion of Chinese enterprises on a worldwide scale, and takes its name from Zheng He a very famous explorer during the Ming dynasty. Throughout the past years, many app developers from China have started expanding to other countries outside of Asia. And not only that, but they’ve been really successful! So this big step that they’ve been taking in the past few years has definitely had an impact on our market.


The ceremony was held in the city of Shanghai and many people attended, including important Chinese game elites such as IGG, Akamai, Metaps and many more videogame developers as well as service providers. Since we work on the global market, we had the opportunity to attend and get to meet up with all of these people. Game Hollywood hopes to establish among the best companies worldwide, and attending the Zheng He ceremony helped us know what other companies are doing, and how to improve as well as help them improve.


Our COO Xitou Lee, as our representative of overseas publishing in China made a speech to share our success story in the global market. Proficient City has China’s best market share and income for browser games published abroad, so many companies choose us to bring their games to the worldwide market. In the Zheng He price ceremony, Xitou Lee explained what does a game need in order to reach western players, as well as why changes need to be made in games so they are suitable for audiences outside China.



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