What is an APK?

APK is an installation file used on Android devices.
We promise that our APKs are virus-free and won't damage your smartphone!

How to install an APK?

1. Download the .APK file.
2. Run the downloaded APK on your phone. You do it via the popup window after the download, or from the directory where the file is stored.
3. The system may request permission to install from unknown sources. This can be granted in the phone settings. The installation will start automatically and will take some time.
4. Register and start playing!

APK Exclusive Benefits

Install our APK and enjoy the GHG CLUB benefits, and most importantly, download and enjoy an exclusive $20 worth of rewards and up to 15% discounts on recharges!

Synchronize Your Game Progress

If you've been playing through Google Play, simply log in with the same Google or Facebook account in the APK to sync your game progress.